James's father, James Sr. founded M&Z Carpets in 1946, right after World War II. James Sr. started humbly with a reupholstering business. As the company evolved, so did its offering of products and services.
A New Beginning
James grew up in the family business, working in the workroom and warehouse during high school summers and later as an installer's assistant. After James and Joy married and moved to Colonial Park (east of Harrisburg), he began managing the M&Z Harrisburg store.
In 1991, James founded the Commercial Division of M&Z, committing full time to helping businesses, churches, schools, and government entities find the right flooring for their needs. It was a very small division then: just James and a part time administrative assistant. As the Macdonald family matured it became evident that the "commercial" and "residential" sectors of the business were very different. Different floor products, different billing, different expectations, different clients, and different installation expertise. Launching into the second generation, James and his brother Steve agreed it was prudent to promote the Commercial Division to its own business entity.
After managing the Commercial Division of M&Z for 23 years, and as a result of James’s experience and leadership in commercial flooring, he and his wife Joy began something new. In March of 2014, James & Joy took the next step and launched a new "old" business, Commercial Flooring Professionals, Inc. (CFP). CFP focuses on serving the floor covering needs of commercial clients. These clients include senior living facilities, schools, churches, businesses, and government facilities. While CFP specializes in commercial and institutional flooring applications, their expertise also includes residential consultation and installation.
Both James and Joy are graduates of Messiah College in Grantham, PA. Joining James & Joy is a growing team of professionals who share their strong commitment to the new company's mission: To create flooring solutions that address performance, aesthetics, safety, replacement cycle, and fiscal responsibility in a way that honors God and serves others.
Although CFP is a new business, it is deeply rooted in a history of integrity, excellence and community involvement. CFP continues a strong relationship with M&Z. CFP is located at 1004 Rana Villa Ave, Camp Hill, PA 17011. It is conveniently located off US Rte 15, Lower Allen Drive Exit